
فرم شناسنامه خدمت

اعلام بدهی براساس خوداظهاری مصرف برق مشترکین - 13031465108

شناسه خدمت کلان : 130314651000
عنوان خدمت کلان : ارائه خدمات صورتحساب قبض به مشترکین شرکت های توزیع نیروی برق
شرح خدمت : Debt declaration based on self-declaration of electricity consumption of subscribers of power distribution companies
Title : Debt declaration based on subscribers self-declaration of electricity consumption
Comment : This service enables customers including residential, general, agricultural, industrial and others (commercial) to report their electricity consumption by themselves (due to different reasons such as absence of the residents during the meter reading days), calculate their bills and finally receive the bill and pay ID. Note: Received bills based on customers self-report is an on-account bill and is not considered as full payment.

متوسط زمان ارائه خدمت واحد پاسخگو شماره تماس واحد پاسخگو
آنی معاونت مشترکین - دفتر نظارت بر فروش و وصول مطالبات 1521

مدارک مورد نیاز نحوه ارائه خدمت مستندات خدمت
شناسه قبض محل مصرف تاریخ و ارقام قرائت کنتور و تصویر ان

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