Service Information From
Title: Eliminating power privacy - 13031977103
Parent Service ID : | 13031977000 |
Parent Service Title : | Providing damages and network privacy services |
Title : | Title: Eliminating power privacy |
Comment : | Translation: All subscribers who request the relocation of equipment or whose property is whitin the boundarise of the lines can usethis servise to change the bondarise of the bondarise of the lines |
Average Duration Time : | Responsible Unit : | Responsible Unit Number : |
15روز کاری | اداره بهره برداری در مناطق برق | 121 |
Require Documents : | Service Type | Documents : |
1-ارائه کد ملی 2- مطابق شناسنامه خدمت 3- کارت ملی ، آخرین قبض برق پرداختی و یا سند ملک و یا بنچاق |
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