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Service Information From

Reducing amperage of branch of customers of power distribution companies - 13031467101

Parent Service ID : 13031467000
Parent Service Title : Considering the request for branching and changing the amperage of the subscribers of power distribution companies
Title : Reducing amperage of branch of customers of power distribution companies
Comment : Whenever the customer, due to the reduction of electricity consuming appliances or for other reasons, demands less use of electricity, she can request a reduction in amperage through this service

Average Duration Time : Responsible Unit : Responsible Unit Number :
6 روز کاری معاونت مشترکین - دفتر نظارت بر خدمات مشترکین 1521

Require Documents : Service Type Documents :
شناسه قبض کد ملی درخواست کننده آمپر درخواستی

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